Tournament Notice: July 4th Hawaii Chess federation Hawaii State Rapids Championships at Mililani Town Center see for more details and map. This is a USCF rated tournament, for CXR players your results will also be rated by CXR, even against non-CXR players. That's one more thing that makes CXR ratings special! As for only USCF members (players) your ratings will not be effected by CXR rating these games. Questions email me at
Help Needed! We still need chess players to help give beginner lessons on Wednesdays either OTB - Over-the-board or on demo board. So come help a new player become a better chess player! Or if you need refreshing stop by and play some skittles games with our young players as well as our seasoned players. Hmm, if you want to play me, you have to wait until I'm done with the beginner lessons and running the Quad tournaments I run each week. Hope to see you soon!
Insurance Notice: State Farm has renewed our insurance policy for WCC , so we need your donations for this and other expenses, via our suggested $12 WCC annual membership donations per member is a good start. CXR - Chess Express, Inc. Russ Mollot has offered to donate 50 percent of the insurance cost if the club gets the other half via donations. We are still a little short! Checkout the article on page 45, spring 2005 of the new Squares Magazine called "Different Ways of Rating" by Russ Mollot! In the article Russ discusses the "parbables for not changing to better ratings system" and list examples of how CXR helps a chessplayer!
Why do we need insurance? GGP Windward Mall management requires this for any organization that meets at the mall. Our WCC web site has a "Make a Donation button" as well as WCC membership form for those who want to get on the email list and / or join CXR or make a donation to help the club!
Mahalo! To Windward Mall (WM), Chess Express, Inc. (CXR), Andrew Fong our State Farm Agent (808) 263-2290, J & J Seafood Store and others who have given their time and donations to help the Windward Chess Club continue to meet at the mall to promote chess for everyone! This will be WCC's fourth year coming this Oct 2005. We hope to continue growing and making chess more fun to play!
Notice: We have a related Go Club. Anyone interested in learning the old game of Go! A game older than 4000 years old that started out in China and continues to be played around the world. Kaneohe, Hawaii now has the new AGA - American Go Association affiliated "Kaneohe Go Club" that meets on Mondays 7:00PM at Starbucks (across the street from WM. To be sure you know where we will be meeting as we grow, we recommend you check Do you wonder who ever played Chess and Go, I'll start with "Emmanuel Lasker (1868-1941), World Chess Champions 1894-1921 and myself still a novice Go player! So if I can do it so can you, see you soon on either the chess board or go board! Or meet me at Kiseido Go Server or Chess Academy Server! my ID is frank713 at both os these servers! If you have not seen the realtionship between these two clubs its that I direct and play at both these clubs! So stop by and see what its all about!
Aloha Hawaii Chess players,
GM Susan Polgar, has started a new newsletter see below on how to get it, you may find it useful for yourself and or your chess club! What you don't have a chess club? Hmm, tell me why? Susan also has a blog at as well as myself at
So check them out and give some us feedback. Also we have the second annual Le Jardin Academy tournament, details to be annouced, tentative date is Sept 24, 2005, same weekend as we had last year. Maryknoll is the defending team and they say they are going to win it again! And you know they probably will, but Assets school and Le Jardin Academy and maybe a few other high school teams, if they show up will have a chance at it.
We also included a Parents non-rated tournament, so how would you like to see your parents sweating over the chessboard and you watching them! Then you can coach them afterwards as they do you. That could be fun for you!
This will be a CXR rated event, most of you are already members, its good for one year. If your not a current member its only $5 (less than the cost of a movie) and its good for one year, for all the rated games you can play including USCF tournament games. USCF annual cost is $23 and $19 depending on what option you selected, also did you know they charge 10 cents per game they rate, its not much, but if you play a lot on the USCF its adds up, which is less prize money. CXR since last August 2005 stopped charging to rate each game, now its flat fee for scholastic players $5, and adults $12, CXR is rating system, no magazine and the rsults and all your stats are available on-line 24 hours / 7 days a week, if you need your login and password, just email and I'll send it to you as well.
Have you seen the current CXR Top 20 under 13 list, go to Is you name there, no! We may need your DOB so email if you think it should be there, and your not! Those that graduated from high school and over 18 years old your now will be renewing at the CXR adults rate. Currently the only public chess club that uses CXR ratings is Windward Chess Club in Kaneohe, at Windward Mall. So if you want your own club to use CXR talk to the your club director and ask why they don't. When was the last time your USCF rating was updated?
Anyway keep playing chess and prepare for the upcoming scholastic HICL season, the rewards will be waitinmg for you at the end of the year.
A friend of mine in North Carolina wrote at Susan Polgar's blog the following:
knightstalkrrrr said...
Hi Susan and Paco,
I'm president of a small club in North Carolina that also is affiliated with CXR (chess express ratings). We all love it and most of us have let our USCF membership expire. I won't go into the many reasons for leaving USCF, but I would rather speak of all the positives in participating with CXR instead.
CXR tracks about 40 different statistics and 10 different ratings on everyone. They update this stuff in just 24 hours! Finally, someone treats chess as a real sport!
As a parent, this is a very detailed report card on their childs progress. You can see how many games were played on any given day, how they did with each color, with different time controls, including no clocks, and so on...Also they have built in security programs to protect children from potential predators!!
As an adult, CXR shows you exactly where your strengths and weaknesses are. You can see almost immediatly the fruits of your study time because of the wicked fast turnaround time on the stats entered. Remember they update in just 24 hours!
Adults pay only $12 a year and children only $5 a year. You get to play as many RATED games as your heart desires. No other rating fees.
For tournament directors and organizers, with no rating fees per game, they can give out more or bigger prizes. Reporting is easy and of course, quick. They can except WIN TD, OR SWISS SYS.
In North carolina, we have many clubs and schools affiliated with CXR. More coming on board all the time. So hop on board this Chess Express train and hold on!! We have for a couple of years now and just love it. Thanks for taking your valuable time to read this, but just use a little more of that time to see for yourself at and trust me, you'll find CXR just amazing.
So there you have it, what are you waiting for? Gas prices have gone up and CXR prices have gone way down! Has USCF dropped their prices, Yep, 2 bucks (if you do it via a an affiliate), still $23 and $19 to get a magazine and get your USCF games rated!
So we hope see you at the next WCC meeting, you can have rated CXR match games and rated Quads, and in 24 hours see your new CXR rating, can USCF say the same? No way! I personally do the data entry after each meeting, I have up to 7 days to get it in, a huge tournament take a little longer since I have to enter new members data, etc. and then email the wallchart to to CXR and they process it, individual matches I have to enter individually. So yes it does take a little time, I do not deny that, I don't charge for this service (data entry) I do it because I believe in this program, and its time for a change!
Note: Each club will have their own "admin person", so that could be you, or anyone willing to give a little time to the club to get this done, there is a little training needed, as in any new program.
Ask Randy, Guy, and Larry how their new USCF login's to process USCF tournaments is coming along, not as good as CXR that's for sure. USCF is trying, but reinventing the wheel is tough and if we (spokes do not get in place) well the wheel will fail and break!
So if like to become a TD for either USCF or CXR let us know, we need you to help support the next group of young chess players, we are not getting younger! ha! So the more spokes on the wheel the stronger it will be! Less change of failure!
Hmm see what happens when an old Texas boy talks and has been watching the mini series "Into the West", Yahoo!
Mahalo, for reading this far! Let others know what is needed and lets get rolling!
Questions, email me or cell 294-4335.
Check this link to see what WCC is sponosring again this year for Hawaii's scholastic players! Check this link for details!
Hey paco,
Thanks for posting a link to my blog. I'll talk to you more about it when I see you. Shogi does sound interesting and I saw those pictures on your website. I think Chess may be too much for me right now but I wouldn't mind learning the rules and watching a few games.
You can final the USCF wallchart for the July 4th tournament at the following link Of course if you are a CXR member and played in this tournament CXR also rated this event on July 5th!
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